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Encryption Technology is the very effective method for data securing used by various organizations.

encryption technology

What is Encryption Technology?

Encryption is the procedure through which information is converted into secret code that hides the real meaning of information. The science of encryption and decryption of information is known as cryptography.

In computing, unencrypted data is known as plaintext, and encrypted data is called ciphertext. The formula which is used in cryptography to encode and decode messages are called encryption algorithms, or ciphers. An effective cipher includes a variable as a component of the algorithm. An encrypted message is intercepted by an unauthorized entity, the intruder guesses which cipher the sender used to encrypt the message, as well as what keys( variable) were used. The time and difficulty of identifying the information  makes encryption such a valuable security tool.

Effect of Encryption Technology on User Roles and Responsibilities

Encryption Technology has a huge impact on user roles and responsibilities. Likewise, encryption plays an important role in securing various types of information technology.


It is used to encode the message content.


It verifies the origin of a message.


It proves the contents of a message have not been changed since it was sent.


It prevents the sender from refusing that they sent the encrypted message.

Mobile Encryption Technology

“Mobile Encryption Technologies” eventually provides a list of various services that will allow the customers to increase potential profits.

Furthermore, their services include everything from mobile solutions to digital media management. Some of the other products include:

  1. E-Commerce Solutions
  2. Data Encryption Services
  3. Cloud and IP Migration
  4. Data Hosting
  5. Digital Media Solutions
  6. Healthcare Solutions
  7. Voice and Data Services
  8. Low Voltage Solutions
  9. Telecommunication Services
  10. Mobile Device Management
  11. Cloud Storage
  12. Mobile Banking Solutions
  13. Mobile Encryption Technologies

Examples of Encryption Technology and its Future

The General Method of Encryption Technology’s  examples are many.

1)Symmetric Encryption Cryptography:

This method uses encryption to transmit the encrypted message to the recipient, and then decrypt the message at the end. 


Alphabets with numbers say, A=01, B=02, and so on. A message like “HELLO” will be encrypted as “0805121215,” and this value will be transmitted over the network to the receiver. Once received, the recipient will decrypt it using the same reverse procedure.

2)Asymmetric Encryption Cryptography:

The second method of Encryption Technology is Asymmetric Encryption Cryptography, which uses two types of keys, one public and one private for encryption and decryption of data subsequently . The public key can be disseminated openly, such as the address of the fund receiver, and the private key is only known by the owner. In this procedure, a person can encrypt a message using the receiver’s public key, and only decrypt finally by the receiver’s private key.

3) Hashing:

A third cryptography method is Hashing. It not only verify the integrity of data of transactions on a network, but also the conformity of data that was copied or downloaded versus  the original typical hash functions that take inputs of variable lengths to return outputs of a fixed length.

Thus, it helps to monitor and prevent unauthorized access, misuse, denial of  network and network accessible resources. Moreover, network security involves the allowance of access to data in a network, which is controlled by the network administrator. Users select or assign an ID with password or other precise information that allows them access to information and programs within their authority. Network security covers a variety of computer networks, both publicly and privately held organisations.

Network Security is thus concerned with people trying to access remote services that they are not authorized to use. Often security problems are intentionally arise by malicious people trying to gain some benefit, get attention, or consequently to harm people.

Despite Security advancements, Network security problems fall into four closely intertwined areas:

  1. Secrecy
  2. Authentication,
  3. Nonrepudiation
  4. Integrity Control.

In conclusion, encryption technology is being utilized for securing data and many other purposes as well.

Read More about Encryption Technology

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