
Module 1: Introduction to Front-end Development

Web Development Front End

  1. Understanding Front-end vs. Back-end Development
  2. Role of a Front-end Developer
  3. Overview of Client-Side Technologies

Module 2: HTML Basics

  1. Introduction to HTML5
  2. HTML Document Structure
  3. HTML Tags and Elements
  4. Document Validation

Module 3: CSS Basics

  1. Introduction to CSS3
  2. CSS Selectors and Styling
  3. Box Model and Layout
  4. Responsive Web Design Principles

Module 4: Introduction to JavaScript

  1. Basics of JavaScript
  2. Variables, Data Types, and Operators
  3. Control Flow and Functions
  4. Introduction to the Document Object Model (DOM)

Module 5: Document Object Model (DOM) Manipulation

  1. Selecting and Modifying DOM Elements
  2. Events and Event Handling
  3. DOM Manipulation Exercises

Module 6: Introduction to Version Control (Git)

  1. Overview of Version Control
  2. Basic Git Commands

Module 7: Web Development Tools

  1. Introduction to Browser Developer Tools
  2. Text Editors and Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)

Module 8: Responsive Web Design

  1. Media Queries for Different Screen Sizes
  2. Flexbox and Grid Layout
  3. Building a Responsive Website

Module 9: Browser Compatibility

  1. Cross-Browser Compatibility Issues
  2. Polyfills and Feature Detection

Module 10: Introduction to Front-end Frameworks

  1. Overview of Front-end Frameworks (e.g., Bootstrap)
  2. Working with a Front-end Framework

Module 11: Web Accessibility Basics

  1. Importance of Web Accessibility
  2. Implementing Accessibility Best Practices

Module 12: Performance Optimization

  1. Minification and Compression
  2. Image Optimization
  3. Caching Strategies

Module 13: Building a Simple Front-end Project

  1. Project Structure and Organization
  2. Building and Styling a Basic Webpage

Module 14: Introduction to JavaScript Libraries

  1. Overview of JavaScript Libraries (e.g., jQuery)
  2. Integrating and Using JavaScript Libraries
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