


January 3, 2019

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MindGigs will Assist you in FYP to Reach Industry Leve Final year 20 project ideas for any BCS & MS students

  • Exam Management System:

There are a lot of students in schools and colleges which take an exam using pen and paper. So this method takes a lot of time for managing student. This is  difficult for school, college management and especially for teacher. For solving this issue exam management system will be the best solution. This software will be developed using web technology and which consist of some modules: student registration, login system, admin dashboard, set exam, accept exam, staff, results, payment system for students.


Web Application


PHP, HTML, JQuery, Bootstrap & CSS.



Clinic appointment management system:

It’s a web application named “Clinic Appointment System” that covers all the aspects of making an appointment of doctors. It enables healthcare providers to improve operational effectiveness, reduce costs, reduce medical errors, reduce time consumption and enhance delivery of quality of care.


Web Application


PHP, HTML, JQuery, Bootstrap & CSS.



  • Mobile Banking application:

Mobile phones provide a lot of services throughout the world. This banking Application will help all the banking transaction. Some modules for this app will be a short service message, financial transactions.


Mobile Application (android or IPhone)


XML, java.



  • Vehicle Hiring System:

This project, provide solution for small business to big company and helpful for customer. The module of the project is store customer information and their vehicle details like price, model, name and staff information etc.


Mobile Application (android or IPhone)


XML, java or kotlin.



  • Job suggestion Application:

This app provides jobs according to area of interest and location. The companies post the jobs by skills and area of interest and jobs finder send the resume. The admin can post the job by location, company name, and walk-in date.


Mobile Application (android or IPhone)


XML, java or kotlin.



  • Credit Card Reader with Face Recognition based on Webcam:

This idea is developing webcam software that will be able to get the inputs from the webcam when the user holds his/her credit card in front of the cam. This idea could be incredibly useful in online payments systems!

There would be several challenges in this project: – Maintaining the security of the credit card information, making sure that the software works with majority of webcams with various resolutions – VGA to HD, Interfacing the webcam with the software and related ecommerce websites.


machine learning


Python, algorithm “pca n svm”.

  • Intelligent Tourist information system:

This is web-based application for tour information. The module consist of Complete information about the place they are visiting, Good places to stay, rated by previous visitors (in last 3 months), Audio play based on GPS – whenever the tourist visits any tourist spot, they should get information about the place via audio or text on their mobile app, Most convenient routes to any tourist spot from their hotel.


Web Application


Html, css, JavaScript, ASP.Net.



  • Sentiment Analysis:

The system is fed with about 100 sentences – some having positive tone, some negative and the rest are neutral. System then analyses the sentences and then classifies them on a scale of 1 – 5 whether the comment is positive, negative or neutral. In order to learn the analysis, the system can crawl large number of articles or comments to find out what are the typical characteristics of a negative, positive or neutral sentence.


Desktop Application


Python, machine learning.


ROBOT can be used to do work effectively due to its great-added accuracy which wills results the quality improvement in the work. The module of the project is wireless movement, material handling function pink and drop, materials handling pick and place alarms, auto dialer these are some features of this robot. Some use of modules is Microcontroller board, Optocoupler with stepper driver board, stepper power supply board, pick and place arm for material handling.

  • Technical Event Ideas For Techiest:

Every year almost every engineering college in India organizes TechFest – an event comprising of technical events, competitions, paper presentation competitions, seminar presentations and so on. The events also open a large number of opportunities to students to attend these feasts, get updates about the latest in engineering and technology and also present newer ideas to engineering audience.

Organizing a tech-Fest is also a great challenge for the organizers as they’ve to come up with new ideas and events. It’s not at all an easy task.

  • Voice base Email (Anroid or Web):

VOICE BASED EMAIL FOR BLINDS INTRODUCTION, Dictation using speech recognition could potentially serve as an efficient input method for mailing devices for blind. Their Typing, a new speech interaction model where blinds, utterances are transcribed as they produce them to enable real-time error identification. Voice Typing aspires to create an experience to having a secure type for you, while you monitor. This project is designed using some set of APIs. SNMTP (Simple Network Mail Transmission Protocol) has been used for mailing servicing. Voice Typing and Dictation, Speech Interaction Models are designed using the Windows 7 LVCSR dictation engine.

  • SLAS (Smart and secure language system):

In terms of cloud security, service level agreements and certificates share some strong similarities at their core: they both represent a form of assurance given to a customer about the security level provided by a service. Service level agreements represent the contractual commitments made by cloud providers to their customers, while certificates represent an assertion that has been verified to be true by a trusted authority.

  • Smart helmet:

SMART HELMET The thought of developing this project came from social responsibility towards the society. As we can see many accidents occurring around us. Usually people die due to lack of treatment in proper time. The reasons for this may be many such as late arrival of ambulance, no person at place of accident to give information to the ambulance. So this helmat will call the ambulance and send notification to your family. The device will be used in this project Microcontroller, GSM module, Vibration sensor.

  • Virtual classroom:

The virtual classroom is a best idea for learning and discussions from a teacher. A teaching and learning environment located within a computer-mediated communication system. All activities and interactions take place through the computer instead of face-to-face. Virtual classrooms may involve three overlapping scopes of interaction technologies: VC courses, meetings and presentations. Among the synchronous events are online meetings, which may include online presentations.

  • Online file tracking system:

Large volumes of data are usually generated in most institutions of learning today. Locating files among tons of others can thus be tedious and time-consuming process for administrative as well as academic staff of such institutions. The aim of this idea to develop and deploy an Electronic File Tracking System (EFTS) to improve productivity amongst Core administrative personnel. The EFTS developed in this paper is a web application that is able to manage the creation, and movement of files from desk to desk of personnel who work on them. Files, such as, reports, decisions, requests, reminders can be processed and tracked by the system in real-time. Furthermore, the system helps in online tracking and provides location information. The system is interactive and usable and able to improve file management and productivity in University administrative operations.

  • Android App locker & Encryption:

Security is a big issue in android phone by solving this problem this idea will mostly secure your phone. The basic feature to lock installed apps and hide personal data in Vault. You can set a password, pattern or fingerprint lock on any apps you want to lock. Also, you can lock your Gallery, but for more security you can hide sensitive photos and videos in Vault, then they will totally disappear from your Gallery.

  • Notification System to Students using an Android :

The goal of this idea is to design a notification system using Android application to connect it to the educational web site of the university. It achieve high and quick organize between instructor and students, save time, effort by connecting Android application to the educational database of the university using latest technologies.  It will provide a wide range of information about education, courses, and all about college students that help the instructor to select to whom he/she will send notifications. The app wills also sending notifications, attendance, viewing academic details like exam results.

  • Smart parking system:

Finding a free parking lot in a congested city like pakistan is very hard. Here, if anyone wants to go outside from home with personal car first thing comes in his mind is about parking, where he will park his car. Most of the cases, people go to a parking station and find that all parking slot are full and then he have to search for another parking lot.

So, it is a big hassle and many people keep in fear about parking of his car when he gets out with his car. By using this idea the solution will be provided for a car person. Using this idea a user will be will able to find an available parking lot easily using mobile or web app from anywhere. The system will updates parking data every 30 seconds.

  • Movie Success Prediction Using Data Mining:

By using this idea develop an application which they predict the success and failure of the upcoming movies based on several attributes. Some of the criteria in calculating movie success. Like budget, actors, director, producer, set locations, story writer, movie release day,

This is competing for movie releases at the same time, music, release location and target audience. The movie rates will be shown to user.

  • Real Time Transmission Protocol Based Broadcasting of Multicast Video:

This idea will solve the problem of real-time video streaming. The wireless channel is modeled as a packet-erasure channel at the IP level. For the unicast scenario, we describe a novel hybrid Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) algorithm that efficiently combines forward error control (FEC) coding with the ARQ protocol.

For the multiple-users scenario formulate the problem of real-time video multicast as an optimization of a maximum regret cost function across the multicast user space. The proposed solution efficiently combines progressive source coding with FEC coding.

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