


August 2, 2021

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Web-Based Point of Sale (POS) VS Desktop Application:

Point of Sale (POS) software is used in coincidence with POS hardware by retailers and restaurateurs for physical goods or services to execute transactions, process cash and credit card payments, manage customer tax labor and inventory information. The web application is delivered to a local device over the Internet from a remote server.

While a desktop application is a computer program that operates locally on a computer device for example desktop or laptop computer.

Web-Based Point of Sale (POS) Open Source:

Running a small business is not an easy job for retailers, restaurant owners to Manage purchases and cash flow, keeping inventory stocked and maintaining a good customer relationship.

For retail and restaurant businesses, the choice of point of sale (POS) system is the most important technical option.

Therefore, the Open Source Point of Sale System is a good option to choose for some businesses. They may use these with some technical knowledge on staff who are willing  to save costs by managing their own systems, as well as businesses distinct customization from their system’s default which require source code access to modify.

There are different types of these that vary in their features, maturity, and size of community.


ODOO which is an example of Open Source Point Of Sale System roundups of ERP and project management tools, also provides a point of sale system solution. A part of ODOO complete web based solution for marketing and sales.

Point of Sale (POS) Online VS Offline:

Online versus Offline point of sale software: which one is right for executing businesses?

Since the advancement of internet technology and its use the application or software industries enjoy the presence of applications that run online compared to the applications that only run offline. It also depends on the nature of the business where an online or offline system is required.

The accessibility to Point of Sale software systems using a desktop computer to an online system, especially on the mobile Android is better than offline systems.

Web Point of Sale (POS) Desktop Application:

It is a type of software that can be installed directly on a personal computer. It can launch independently from other applications. They take up space on your hard drive and can work without an internet connection, although some apps need it to function as intended (web browsers like Chrome or Firefox) they are still considered desktop apps because they are installed on Personal Computer.

Web Based Point of Sale (POS) System:


Web Based Point Of Sale software facilitates an E-commerce solution by coordinating buyers and sellers to their warehouse inventory and sales with retail stores.

The new mode helps in  managing sales by having a complete grip on inventory and cash flows online. software gives  super marts and mini-stores rapid growth in business.

It’s a web based software that takes you out from the cluster of desktop-based systems. It keeps your data protected and can be operated from any device.

Cloud Based Point of Sale (POS) System:


A cloud POS is a web-based point of sale system that allows you to process payments through the Internet without expensive servers. Cloud-based point-of-sale systems process all payment transactions and updates online rather than on local computers.

Cloud POS systems can operate on any device including tablets and smartphones.

In addition to making sales anywhere from any device and wherever you are, manage your business remotely.

Computer-Based Point of Sale (POS) System:

The point of sale (POS) system is the spot where a customer makes payment transactions of goods and  services that are offered by a company.


POS system is a computerized network that comprises the main computer link with several checkout terminals and is operated by different hardware features starting from barcode scanners and ending with card payment terminals.

As businesses have different types, they need a different point of sale systems as well like restaurants, retail businesses, and grocery stores.

Cloud Based Point of Sale (POS) Systems for Restaurants:

The high volume of cash and credit cards that pass through a restaurant each day make a POS system an urgent need. Not only does a POS system track every penny of restaurant sales but many POS programs also act as credit card processors. This makes swiping credit cards more secure and reliable for both the customer and the business. Servers are accountable for all their sales, and it is impossible to make changes checks in the computer unless you have the password. This helps diminish employee theft.

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