


June 10, 2021

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Calcium Benefits for Skin:

Calcium is found in the epidermis or the outermost layer of our skin. Deficiency of calcium can badly impact our skin’s health. It helps the body in remove of old cells and generates new skin cells. Its deficiency in the body makes our skin damaged and dry.

There are a lot of unknown benefits of calcium for our healthy skin, some of them are given below.

1. Moisturizer

Calcium is the most important mineral for healthy skin. Most of the time our skin becomes dry, wrinkled and itchy without its required intake. Calcium works with the epidermis to produce sebum, a natural skin-coating substance that helps the skin to maintain its natural moisture.

Less amount of calcium intake makes the skin dry and unhealthy. Inadequate amounts of it can cause eczema because of dry and damaged skin and this can even lead to skin cancer.

2. Skin Renewal

Proper intake of calciumensures the renewal of skin thus removes dead cells by creating the protective lipid barriers, otherwise it may lead to dry and itchy skin.

3. Against Harsh Weather Conditions

Cold or harsh weather always affects the skin badly. Its proper and required intake protects our skin epidermal cells from harsh weather conditions.

Calcium Benefits for Hair:

Proper intake of calcium is beneficial for healthy hair.

If you don’t have an adequate amount of calcium in your body, your hair will not grow. Your hair can also be weaker, more brittle, and more difficult to style. Hair loss due to calcium deficiency is more common. Like other nutrients calcium is vital for strong and healthy hair.

Benefits for Body:

Your body needs calcium to build and maintain strong bones. It is vital for our heart, muscles and nerves to perform well. Our body needs an adequate amount of calcium; if we don’t get enough calcium in our diet, our body will take it from our bones.

Calcium Benefits for Teeth:

Calcium is one of the most important nutrients for healthy teeth. Calcium builds up the hard outer shell of our tooth called enamel, which protects our Teeth against erosion and cavities. For healthy teeth we should take 1,000-2,000 mg daily recommended amount of calcium. Dairy products like milk, cheese and yogurt are rich sources of calcium.

If you’re lactose intolerant, there are a number of foods like fishes and enriched citrus juices that can still give you the required amount of calcium.

Calcium Benefits for Muscles:

It helps in the muscle movement of our body. Calcium supports muscle contraction. When a nerve stimulates a muscle, the body releases calcium. The calcium helps the proteins in muscle to perform the work of contraction.

Calcium Benefits and Side Effects:

Calcium minerals have a lot of benefits and also have some side effects.


Calcium is a mineral that is 99% part of bones and teeth. The heart, nerves, and blood-clotting systems also require calcium to work. It helps our body to maintain strength. It plays a vital role in the movement of muscles.

It helps nerves to carry messages between the brain and other parts of the body.

It helps blood vessels relax and constrict.

It releases hormones and enzymes that help with various bodily functions.

Side effects:

Although dietary calcium is generally safe, if we take an excessive amount of calcium it will not provide extra bone protection. In fact, if calcium from diet and supplements exceeds the limit, then it could cause health issues; kidney stones, prostate cancer, constipation, calcium buildup in blood vessels, and harmed absorption of iron and zinc.

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