


June 1, 2020

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3 real examples of advanced content writing strategies:

Content promotion is not about posting and tweeting. These techniques are used by beginners. Most of the beginners use this technique to gain instant audience or to bring traffic to their website but this technique is helpful only for a short period of time. for Advanced Content Writing we need a detail knowledge.


Those websites or companies which want to grow differently and faster should use the following strategies which we are going to explain below;

Combine original research and newsjacking to go viral:

One of the advanced content writing strategies is newsjacking. Newsjacking is a technique by which we can make promotional content and get viral. We can use trending or breaking news to promote our content or product. So we can high jack the news and use it for our own purpose that is promotion and advertisement same as planes are high jacked and used by the high jacker. So in this way, we grasp people’s attention towards our brand or content. But this technique is very complicated because sometimes people get offended by your promotional strategy and instead of having positive feedback, you get negative feedback. We are going to tell you some of the successful brands which have used this strategy effectively and grasped the attention of the public.

Kit kat news jacking:

If we go back in time when iPhone 6 plus was released in the market and people around the world accidentally start bending it by putting it in their back pocket. This news was trending in the tech world and debates were going on about the usability flaws. In these times, Kit kat which is a leading chocolate brand high jacked this news and tweeted that “we don’t bend, we break”. This slogan grasped people’s attention and about 26,150 retweets and 13,022 likes proved that kit kat has used the newsjacking strategy successfully.

Dunkin’s Donuts and the dress:

Back in 2015, people around the world went mad about the color of the dress that whether it’s black and blue or white and gold. This news was trending so, Dunkin’s Donuts decided to step in the online discussion. They tweeted with a picture of two donuts with the color of the dress and grasped the attention of the people so they got about more than 3000 users to retweet their product. This resulted in the promotion of their brand without any cost. This is the successful strategy which many brands and business have used.

Use content to fuel social media distribution:

If you want to build trust and recognition in the market then you have to focus more on the quality and uniqueness of your content. Following are some of the ways or methods by which you can force people to promote your content or brand without paying.

Improve content quality:

The main thing that will force people to share your content or purchase your product is the quality of content and the words you use in order to describe your product. For example, you have written an article on your website now how would you know whether the people are liking your content or not. Your visitors are your best critics so take feedback from them and take calculated measures and bring improvement in your content.

Valuable content:

You should not only focus on the grammatical mistakes of the content but also focus on the interest of your visitors and should do proper research in order to find words that will help you to attract the customer to buy your product. You should keep in mind your audience and your product. If you are selling guitars so your content should be related to guitars like basics of guitars, top 5 guitars, so trust should be developed and people feel comfortable to purchase the item from your online shop.

Let your follower do the work:

User-generated content is one of the best ways to promote your brand or product. We can simply say that these are reviews of the customer and is the best way to build trust. The customers feel happy if you ask them to share their reviews. This will help the business increase sales and have loyal customers.

Product-related content:

The best way is to produce such content which is related to your product and attract people who are interested in those items. Your content will be shared if it’s informational and as a result, you will gain more customers and your reach will expand.

Drive targeted, the bottom of the funnel leads with Quora:

Quora is a website in which people from around the world put their questions and queries and other people answer them. This website is used by a lot of website owners to bring traffic to their blog site or E-commerce website. For example, if you answer a question related to your website niche so you can also put a link of the blog on your website in which you are talking about the same topic. The person who is asking the question is your target audience because he or she is interested in your blog or product in this way Quora is playing an essential role in bringing traffic and ranking a website.


If you have an E-commerce website in which you are selling runner shoes so you can find questions related to shoes or other qualities of shoes and can answer it and drop the link of your website which will help the person to visit your store easily and there is the possibility that the visitor may purchase from your online store. for Advanced Content Writing we need a detail knowledge.

Kinda is a WordPress hosting site that also utilizes Quora to promote its services. They answer questions and problems related to WordPress and add advertisements that look like text, for example, hosting plans start at $X/month.

Benefits of Quora:

Quora helps you in promoting your content or product and find your targeted audience.

You can use your content to solve the customer’s problems.

Quora also help the blog owner to find new topics to write on and drive more traffic.

Engage people with blogs which are already available on your website.

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