


March 28, 2019

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Difference Between Computer Science Software Engineering and other Engineering Majors

My name is Zahid Hussain, and I’m currently running A small software house in Peshawar, Pakistan, as a Managing Director, We are working mostly in ERPs and software also services and YouTube channel. I am also a Government Servant in the Education

Most when I meet with students they asking like:

“What’s the difference between Computer Science, Software Engineering and other engineering majors?”

Sometimes it’s called, are computer engineers, real engineers?

and their second question is…
“Should I choose, Information Technology field, Computer Science, Software Engineering or other Engineering?”
In this Post, I’ll give you an idea and suggestion gives you my own smart and simple overview of these tops.

Let me give a little briefing about,

What is Mechanical Engineering?

Mechanical Engineering is a Field that Applied Engineering, Physics Mathematics, and materials Science techniques to Design, Develop Different types of Mechanical SYstem.

What is Chemical Engineering?

Chemical Engineering is a Field of Engineering which using Chemistry, physics, mathematics and economics technique to produce Materials and Energy

We will give you a little overview of other engineering disciplines?
For admission in university in Pakistan the software engineering requirements
After graduation, the mostly the computer science engineering salary is range from 15k to 115k or more,
Like if you are ASP. Net developer then salary is very higher as compare to other development. There is a different type of engineering and salaries is different ranging.

If I compare another engineering to IT or Computer Science then its means. The difference between engineering and technology like one is using Civil, mechanical and Technology means computer and their related.

Information Technology VS computer science, Degree Worth

In Technology there are two different subjects like one is Information Technology and other is Computer Science,

Both are very different from each other as well like the computer is related to purely computer and Information technology is little different like Marketing and administration is also involved in it,

Computer science is mostly related to the hardware side of computer science, while IT related to Advertisement and Marketing, and promotion like thing,

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Why choose Computer engineering?

I think I this past Changing world you don’t think about computer and their small device mobile,

Are software engineers scientists?
Yes, Surly Computer Science degree holder is also called a Computer Scientist.

What do you study in a computer science subject,

List of subjects

If math for software engineers? Then answer is yes, Without math, you don’t think about Engineering,

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