


February 2, 2018

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There are 4 basic steps to learn coding.
Step 1:
  1. Step one includes Introductory Programming Course.

(In this step, loops variables, if statements, functions are covered).

  1. Data Structures and Algorithms

(In this step, trees, graphs, hash tables searching, sorting are covered)

This is the link where you can learn about Data Structures and Algorithms.

Here are the Lectures.


In the above steps Java Language is mostly used, but also pay heed to other languages.

Step 2:

In this step you should have to learn about how to build a modern web application. Ruby on Rails which makes it much easier and more fun. It also includes everything which you need to build fantastic applications, and you can learn it with the support of our large friendly community.

Step 3:

This is the step to show your skills. Start working on bunch of personal projects. Working on the projects is really helpful for understanding how Ruby on Rails works, how Ruby works and also how web technologies in general work.

Step 4:

After doing these three (3) steps, and develop the projects, you should be go for the Technical Internship. The technical internships are really helpful for you to developing the skills. Get the feedbacks from your friends and family. Don’t left to make your personal projects. You will get more and more knowledge about the programming.

After this start working on your Technical Interviews Skills. This helps you to get a job in GOOGLE or in Microsoft.

If You are the Beginner In Programming Field.

Follow these Steps:

Step 1:

You should learn the basics of programming to one of those interactive websites. Here are the websites which may help you.

  1. Code Academy.
  2. Free Code Camp.

If you are not satisfied with these websites start to learn Python and Java.

Step 2:

In the second step, you should be working on personal projects. The personal projects are like that:

  1. Web Developing.
  2. App.
  3. Automating a Simple Task.

As you work on your projects, keep learning more through the interactive web sites.

If you are not satisfied with this website check out the followings:

Step 3:

As you work on your personal projects, the very important aspect here is community aspect. Here are the websites which help you to share your problems.

  1. Stack Overflow.
  2. Meet Up.
Step 4:

Try to get an internship, job (ideally, a paid one). After you get the job or internship you should be able to learn more quickly because you will be to get the feedbacks from your colleagues.


These are the four basic steps to get a job in best company for the beginners as well as for the old.

Content Written: Anbreen Inayat

Affliate Sites: MindgigsZahydCodimize Viral Kar Online CSS Academy

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