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Registration of partnership firm in Pakistan

Application for registration of the Partnership firm

partnership form

Following the five steps meant to be an application for registration of the firm

1: Download the application form, and fill it out properly

2: Approval of company name

3: Submission of documents

4: Certificate of incorporation

5: Deposit of shares

6: Registration of income, sales, and professional taxes

AOP Registration Online

AOP Registration in Pakistan

partnership form

An AOP (also referred to as a Partnership) is a firm managed by all partners, according to the agreement signed by the partners at the time of registration.

It is not a separate legal entity and partners have unlimited liability, which means that all the partners can be responsible for the liability in case of a default on debt or any other liability or any other form of misconduct even on behalf of the partner because it is a partnership.

A partnership firm is registered with the registrar of firms in the concerned district or city. The process of registration is done by the partnership act, of 1932.

The application for registration form should be signed by all partners.

The following documents are required for the application

  • Written partnership on a Rs 1000 on stamp paper
  • Filled out the partnership form
partnership form
  • Bank Challan against the submitted fee
  • The rental agreement for an office in a commercial area along with proof should be required.
  • Identity cards of all the partners with all the witnesses, one witness is required for every partner.
  • An Affidavit regarding the accuracy of submitted papers
  • A Copy of all the above documents should be notarized by a notary public
  • If the registrar is satisfied with the application and documents, he or she will issue the certificate of registration

The following link can also help in AOP registration in Pakistan

Online firm registration

Form 1 for registration of partnership firm in


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