


January 19, 2018

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Iphone vs Android

 There are seven major points that’s why iphone is better than android
1: Ease of Use

While The beauty of Apple design is that you can pick up any of its products and teach yourself how to use it. Without thinking much. Humans love to not think much. The iPhone is intuitive, it’s simple and the design is so tasteful that it sucks you in. An Android phone, on the other hand, is often like a PC. You have to learn how the designer was thinking, as opposed to the designer learning how you think. iphone vs android

2: Software Updates

Yes! Apple’s software can sometimes be buggy. But when there’s new software available, everyone can get it with a simple download. Compare this with android. It’s new software, Marshmallow was officially launched last October. Guess how many Android phones now have it? Just only 2.3 percent. This drives many Android users demented. Sometimes, it just drives them to buy an iPhone.

3: The Genius Factor:

Many people thought Steve Jobs was lunatic for opening stores in shopping malls. But Apple thinks hard about people and their needs. One of those needs is to have someone on hand other than a pot-adled nephew, that is—who can fix the Phone if it goes wrong. Geniuses may not always be geniuses, but if you make an appointment, there is an excellent chance that they can set you right. Before you toss the phone at the wall that is.

4: It Works With Your Mac, Doesn’t it?

Your MacBook can do things for your iPhone—like send texts. Your phone plugs into your Mac effortlessly, which connects just as effortlessly to your cloud. It just works. With Android you need to juggle third-party apps and all sorts of other annoying elements. Google didn’t think it needed to create a hardware-software ecosystem. It wasn’t quite right about that.

5: iPhone Has No Bloatware.

You get an iPhone. You turn it on. You have a few Apple Apps. The rest is up to you. Not so with an Android phone. You get all sorts of nonsense apps that clutter your screen and your life. You even get the carrier’s apps, the ones you so, so desperately crave. And then it’s your job to either try to uninstall them (which, in some cases, isn’t allowed) or find a pot-addled nephew to delete them in some less than optimum (or less than legal) way.

6: Developers Would Rather Make Apps For iPhone.

The apps you want are far more likely to be on the iPhone first. Many developers prefer iPhone (it’s easier, remember). It’s one of those things that become self-fulfilling. iPhones are cooler, so developers want to design for the cool platform first. The situation is changing slowly. However, even updates to apps are far more likely to happen first on your iPhone.

7: iPhone Is Consistent. Android Is All Over The Place.

By controlling, the number of different phones it releases, Apple creates a consistent design, with consistent operating principles and consistent performance (mostly). Android phones are so different from each other that google has now, lamentably late, begun to advertise android by saying: “Be Together, Not the Same”. However, there is no real togetherness among android phones. There are just too many of them and they’re all of such differing quality.

However this is main feature of iphone vs android. now you will be aware of it

Content Written: Anbreen Inayat

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