


December 31, 2019

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MindGigs develop an Inventory Management System /Point of Sale, An E-Commerce Software for Agencies, Distributors, and small companies. This Point Of Sale Inventory Software is Easy to use. 

Inventory Management System /Point of Sale

  • Dashboard
  • Products
  • Quotations
  • Purchases
  • Transfers
  • Customers
  • Suppliers
  • Notifications
  • Calender
  • Reports
  • Settings

Can Download Demo Version: Inventory Management System /Point of Sale

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Link to access Point of Sale:
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Login Password: 87654321Aa

Inventory Management System

In Point Of Sale Inventory Software At the point when the vast majority think about inventory management system, they consider retail applications. While retail tasks depend vigorously on the inventory management system, IMS frameworks are utilized in Many Industries, from manufacturing to utilities, health services, education sector, government, and lots more.

Retail (POS) software in Pakistan

IMS frameworks streamline and unify the Process of controlling the flow and keep stock to guarantee. The inventory management system is the combination of innovation (equipment and programming) and procedures and systems that manage the observing and upkeep of loaded items, regardless of whether those items are organization resources, crude materials, supplies, or completed items prepared to be sent to sellers or end purchasers.We think we have more than the best inventory software Lahore companies provided. 

Our POS is one the best inventory management software Pakistan

RIO “Point Of Sale” Software

MindGigs Also develop RIO “Point Of Sale” Software. Its also best point of sale.

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