


September 17, 2021

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The Education system in Pakistan

The Islamic Republic of Pakistan is a socially and semantically assorted enormous South Asian nation lined by Afghanistan and Iran toward the north and west, China toward the upper east, India toward the east, and the Arabian Sea upward the south, The Muslim-greater part of the nation is set up in its present structure after the segment of before British India into India and Pakistan in 1947, and the ensuing withdraw of Bangladesh, once in the past known as East Pakistan, in 1971.


Presently the 6th most crowded country on the planet with 212 million individuals, Pakistan is portrayed by one of the greatest populace development rates overall outside of Africa. Despite the fact that the around 2% rate is presently easing back, the country’s populace is assessed to arrive at 403 million by 2050 (UN middle reach projection). There are more youngsters in Pakistan today than at any time in its set of experiences, and it has one of the world’s biggest youth populaces with 64% of Pakistanis now younger than 30, Consider that Karachi is project to turn into the third-biggest city on the planet with near 32 million individuals by the center of the century.

The education system in Pakistan’s problems and solutions

The education system of Pakistan is composed of institutions that provide education to students with the help of teachers, The system includes public institutions and private institutions, Hence educational institutes are run because of private and public sector institutes.

Following are some problems and issues in Pakistan’s education system

  1. Lack of Proper Planning
  2. Social constraints
  3. Gender gap
  4. Cost of education
  5. War on Terror
  6. Funds for Education
  7. Technical Education
  8. Poverty
  9. Law and order situation
  10. Natural disasters
  11. budgetary constraints


The problems which are mentioned above can be solved by better policies as well as planning and ensuring the effective implementation of policies.

  • Implementation of projecting policies should be to focus on education
  • Allocation of funds may be made easy for educational institutes
  • Workshops must be arranged for teachers
  • This should be inducted in Pakistani schools to improve the hidden qualities of children
  • Technical education must be given to all the classes
  • Promotion of primary education is the need of time
  • Teachers, professors, and educationists should be consulted
  • The need of the time is to bring education in its original form to the masses

There should be a uniform education system, which reflects our values, history, and national goals and provides free and quality learning opportunities to all children in the country Because The selection process of the teachers may be transparent and teachers will receive proper training on teaching methodology to prepare students to successfully move into the mainstream of our society to face future challenges, Conceptual understanding and practical learning of children must be focused and it should be part of the curriculum.

What is wrong with Pakistan’s education system?

The education system of any country is the most important system which builds the future of its nation. But, unfortunately, there is no uniform education system with clear and define national goals and requirements in Pakistan to provide an equal educational opportunity for all children to grow together.

What is wrong with our education system?
There are approximately five types of institutions in Pakistan with different objectives and curricula which are the following

  • Beaconhouse School System, City School System, Roots School System, Allied School system, etc.
  • Armed forces school system
  • Government school system
  • Low-paid private schools
  • Darul Uloom school system

The main aim is to enable them to successfully move into society with updated knowledge, innovation, social skills, integrity, national values, respect of opinions of each other, love for humanity, and a sense of responsibility to lead the country and institutions as visionary leaders.

Providing free and quality education to all children is the responsibility of the state, According to the national education policy 2009, the state shall provide free and compulsory education to all children the age of five to sixteen years, Many children in Pakistan cannot afford education, because they have to earn for themselves and for their families to feed.

Teaching Traning

Teachers are the most important synonyms for “Traning” part of the education system to create awareness among the community regarding the importance of education for their children, play a vital role in the character-building of children, and promote quality education in the country. But due to hiring inefficient and incompetent people to join the profession, they lack skills and teaching techniques.

Similarly, in schools, students are not facilitated and guided properly in the selection of their field according to their abilities and interest. They are also not given exposure, to how to become a suitable and useful member of society. Therefore, after completing education, they are not in a position to address the problems in real life and play a vital role in social development because of a lack of skills/ techniques and require knowledge.

Our education system mostly focuses on the theoretical stuff rather than giving equal importance to the practical side to give practical exposure to students. Similarly, students are forced to compete in the race for getting grades instead of gaining practical knowledge and skills

The main problems of education in Pakistan

Education is the foundation for the political, social, and economic development of any country. Pakistan as a developing country is facing serious problems in education. The education system has failed to customize, and Pakistan is facing many problems, such as poverty, insecurity, sectarianism, and terrorism which lead to a weak education system.

Through an inefficient education system. The important role of education is ignored in Pakistan, which has led to its low development in all phases of life. The lowest budget has weakened the foundation of quality in the education system. The education system, therefore, has failed to grow the nation economically, politically, and socially.

Problems associated with the education system in Pakistan are lack of adequate budget, lack of policy implementation, inefficient testing system, defective body structures, lack of quality of teachers, lack of education policy implementation, indirect education, low enrollment, political interference, outdated curriculum, corruption, mismanagement and supervision and lack of research

Following are some problems in the education system of Pakistan

Lack of uniformity
Education without direction
Outdated curricula
Lack of professional development of teachers
Lack of quality teachers
Poor supervisory standards
Internal and external influences
Lack of resources
Policy implementation
Low budgetary allocation for education

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