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How to open firm in Peshawar.

There are lots of reasons to Invest in Peshawar Pakistan. Because it has lots of prime benefits because in Pakistan for investment or creating new firm the competition is very low. Some of the good strategies make your business and firm Successful. The economy of Pakistan is growing rapidly which is also a plus point.

In this article, we will provide step-by-step guidance on how to open a new firm in Peshawar.

Overview of Legal Entities in Peshawar

In Peshawar Pakistan, you apply for multiple types of companies which you need to be registered with the Government of KPK Pakistan.

Private Limited Company

Single Member Company

Public Limited Company

How to register a company In Peshawar

The procedure of registering a public limited company is same as above. However, they may require you to submit more documents.

Step 1: Approval of Company Name

In Peshawar when you open a firm. First of all you choose a company name. And most of important thing that’s you need to select a unique company name. Which identify your business or firm uniquely. After selection of company name you need to approve the company name from the Government of Peshawar KPK.

Step 2: Submission of Document

Once the company name is approved then you need to submit the incorporation documents about your company to the Security Exchange commission of Pakistan (SECP).They will evaluate your document.

Step 3:  SECP issuing Certificate

After evaluation of the document through the security exchange commission of Pakistan. A digital signature is granted by the National Institutional Facilitation Technologies (NIFT) and can be acquired through the SECP. And they found your documentation is legal and your business is safe and legal the SECP will issue an incorporation certificate.

Step 4: Stakeholders

Once the company is registered. Then the stakeholder who want to get a share in the firm need to transfer the amount of the share in Firm account.

Stage 5: Registration of Income, Sales, and Professional Taxes

Taking everything into account, the last step of firm registration in Pakistan is the registration with the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) and the issuance of a public expense number (NTN). A deals charge enlistment number might be enrolled if material.


Another way to open a firm in Peshawar

Branch Office

A branch office is an appropriate choice to firm registration to have a presence in Pakistan without setting up a different legitimate element.

Branches doing an agreement in Pakistan can be laid out. Not with standing, a branch office can’t participate in any business or exchanging exercises of whatever nature. In this manner, your exercises rely upon the agreement you marked. The agreement confines your exercises.

The parent organization possesses 100 percent of the branch office in the nation of beginning. Since it’s anything but a restricted risk organization, it requires no base capital all things considered.

Process time for enrollment requires up to seven weeks. The grant can be substantial for 1 to 5 years assuming that it has an endorsement from the Board of Investment (BOI).


Contact Office

If you have any desire to advance your items in Pakistan, you can set up a 100 percent unfamiliar claimed contact office here.

Other than item advancement, you can likewise give specialized exhortation and help, investigate the different conceivable outcomes of joint cooperation, and commodity advancement in Pakistan.

Nonetheless, this type can’t take part in business or exchanging exercises and it isn’t dependent upon any base capital by the same token

A contact office can work as indicated by the arrangements of the agreement or the task.

While a piece of the agreement expresses that you can give specialized help and item advancement, you can’t take part in trade advancement and different exercises.


Henceforth, it is like the branch office. In this way, there will be no shareholding since it will be in the nation of beginning as it were.


The standard time for laying out a contact office in Pakistan is seven (7) weeks. Along these lines, once conceded your license will have a legitimacy time of 1 to 5 years. Additionally, the Board of Investment (BOI) requirements to support it.


How to begin with organization registration in Peshawar Pakistan?

Assuming you are anticipating putting resources into Pakistan, reach out to Emer hub and we will deal with the course of organization enrollment for your benefit.

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