


November 5, 2019

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Project based learning Is a best approach for University students. But the question is that what project they have to choose for their Final-year-Project as software engineering student.

This truth is, many in education are recognized that we are living in modern world. And if they want to survive in the market they have to do good projects. Many of us in there student life as computer science or as software engineering student have chosen projects in there university time. But after graduation they changed expertise.

Review about Final year project of student!

I discussed with a software company “Mindgigs Technologies” , “In Pakistan first we have to change our teaching methodology, Because our instructors are providing less content for learning because of this student only learn basics and sometimes he not reach to its main concept.

We have seen normally in our practices students outsource their final year projects. Drawback of this is that when they step-in in market they having no skills. So when no skills, there is no job”, He said.

Benefits of project based learning as a student

  • Project means learning by doing
  • Project planning and management skills are essential
  • Best showcase case of your abilities
  • They become divergent thinker
  • They develop mindset
  • They grew more empathetic

We have to change our course content.  Anyhow today we have told you about that projects which makes you valuable in the market.

Computer Science side Project for student

These are the some projects which are suited with you if you want to pursue your career in computer sciences.

FTP Client

I’m suggesting you people for implementation: Web, Desktop or it can be a CLI App. Build a mind blower FTP Client and as bonus challenges it must be support secure file transfer.

Build a simple Operating System

Well! I am suggesting any programming language in which you want to be expert. It’s a technically challenging project. You must have keen knowledge of computer and operating system works. It’s a best Final year projects for computer science students.

Implement a cipher

I prefer you use any programming language in which you want to be a master. Build a tool that takes string and encrypt it via cipher.

Artificial Intelligent side projects for Student

Well! We all of know that usefulness of AI is increasing day by day now. Don’t be hesitate! Its much easy to put your first step in AI.

An unbeatable Tic-Tac-Toe Engine

I’ll suggest you to do implementation in CLI Program. For be a best AI programmer. Write an engine which cannot be beaten at have to make a strategy which have to give you draw as its bad outcome.

A chess engine

I am telling you to use that language for implementing this in which you want to do master. Write a engine that play a chess game with human suing universal chess interface compatible GUI. Best example of this is XBoard.

There are several other projects that are makes software engineering and computer science students’ valuable in the market. Like in Games and simulations project (A random name generator, Interactive fiction etc), Coding side challenge projects (Advent of code, Project Euler etc).If you really eager to learn skills? If your answer is “Yes”, I prefer you Mindgigs Technologies to do your projects.

Besides these I mentioned some of other latest Final year projects for Computer science / Software engineering students.

  1. Mitigating and Degradation of Congested Sensor Networks
  2. Sales Order Processing and Invoicing (SOPI)
  3. A Simple Generic Algorithm for Music Generation by Means of Algorithmic Information Theory
  4. A Decentralized Self-adaption Mechanism for Service-based Applications in the Cloud
  5. Wireless Local Area Network Monitoring and Controlling Tool
  6. Implementation of Multi Threaded Multimedia with Push/Pull Technology
  7. Small Scale Business Management System
  8. Secured Pocket Store for Pocket Personal Computer Using Windows SE Cryptographic Solution
  9. Detecting Age of a Person Based on Hand Writing Analysis
  10. Implementation of Spam Filter Based on JAVA
  11. A Distributed System for Scaling up GNOME Similarity Search
  12. Designing of a flight Black Box Based on Event Automatic Reader with Noise Suppression
  13. Concept Map Mining for Easy Mining and Technical Concepts-CMM
  14. Detection of Network Fault with MAC Authentication
  15. Authentication of Network Attached Storage by Using SCARED Protocol
  16. Wireless Modem Configuration Wizard for UBUNTU OS
  17. Wireless Finger Print Identification Based on Unique Devices
  18. Recognition of Kannada Character Using Curve Let Transformation
  19. Detection of Pattern Using Web Log Data
  20. Updating of Distributed Cache for Dynamic Source Routing Protocol
  21. Detection of Credit Card Fraud by Using Hidden Markov Model
  22. Verification of Offline Signature Using GABOR Transforms
  23. Road Traffic Analysis and Traffic Control Algorithm Based on Density
  24. Detecting Terror Related Activities on Net By Using Data Mining Technique
  25. Intelligent Emotion Recognition Using Brain Signals (IEMOTION)
  26. Detection of Medical Abnormalities in Skeletal Muscles Using EMG
  27. Simulation of Color Tree Using SIM CT Algorithm for Disjoint Multipath Algorithm
  28. Storage Security for Data Dynamics in Cloud Computing and Enabling Public Verifiability
  29. Establishment of Secret Key Based on Correlation of Wireless Channel Coefficients
  30. Ranking and Clustering Software Cost Estimation Models Using Multiple Comparison Algorithms
  31. Estimation in Model Checking with Bit State Hashing
  32. A New Approach to Random Testing Using Centroidal Voronoi Tessellations
  33. Interaction of Asynchronous Server Using AJAX and XML
  34. Implementation and Control of Homogenous Network
  35. Implementation of Quick Car Rental Services Based on J2EEE
  36. Implementation and Automation of Remote Electricity Billing System
  37. Design and Implementation of ESECURE Transaction
  38. ATM Networks Implementation Using Connection Admission Control
  39. Verification of Digital Signature Verification Using Artificial Neural Networks
  40. Design and Implementation of Web Portal E-learning
  41. Detection of Moving Object by Detecting Contiguous Outliers in The Low Rank Representation
  42. Intelli Information and Implementation of WAP Based System
  43. Implementation of Vertical Market Information Providing System
  44. A theoretical Analysis of The Role of Test Sequence Length in Software Testing for Structural Coverage
  45. Locating of Aware Mobile Applications Based on Event Middleware
  46. Sequence Based Test Cases Event Generation Using GUI Runtime State Feedback
  47. Fault Prediction in Object-Oriented System Using the Concept of Cohesion for Classes
  48. Design and Discovering of Service Based Systems Using UML
  49. A Web Based Application for Vehicle Sales, Purchase and Inventory Management
  50. Implementation of ASP Based Supply Chain Management System
  51. Approach of Combinational and Geometric System Using Digital Imaging Applications
  52. Speech Recognition and Synthesis for Linux
  53. Computational Methods for Simulation of Biological Development
  54. A cost based Approach to Adaptive Resource Management in Data Stream Systems
  55. Design of Prototypic Hand Talk Based on Assistive Technology for Deaf
  56. Rectified Probabilistic Packet Marking Algorithm for the Markets
  57. Designing Less Structured P2p Systems for Expected High Churns
  58. IP Spoofing Detection Approach for Network Intrusion Detection System.

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