


May 18, 2022

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Advance Web Development Course

Mindgigspk is one of the best software houses in Peshawar. Worked for the past 13 years in the field of software development. And Providing training in Advance Web Development Course in Peshawar.

Nowadays, websites and web applications are quickly becoming the primary means to communicate information, ideas, and products to the world. How then, are they created?

During this 3 months course, students will learn the processes, steps, and technologies involved in bringing ideas, contents, or products to the World Wide Web using PHP, larval, Mysql, jQuery, and Ajax.


PHP Overview & Installation

  • What is PHP?
  • History of PHP
  • Why choose PHP?
  • Installation overview
  • Installing WAMP Server
  • Finding the document root
  • Configuring PHP
  • Configuring MySQL
  • Text editor
  • Embedding PHP Code on a page
  • Outputting dynamic text
  • The operation trail
  • Inserting code comments

Exploring Data Types

  • Variables
  • Strings
  • String functions
  • Integer & Floating point numbers
  • Arrays
    • Numeric Array
    • Associative Array
    • Array functions
  • Booleans
  • Null and empty
  • Type juggling and casting
  • Constants

Control Structures: Logical Expressions & Loops

  • If statements
  • Else and elseif statements
  • Logical Operators
  • Switch statements
  • While loop
  • For loop
  • Foreach loop
  • Continue
  • Break
  • Understanding array pointers

User-Defined Functions

  • Defining functions?
  • Function arguments
  • Returning values from a function
  • Multiple return values
  • Scope and global variables
  • Setting default argument values


  • Common problems
  • Warnings and erros
  • Debugging and trouble shooting

Building Web Pages with PHP

  • Links and URLs
  • Using GET values
  • Encoding GET values
  • Encoding for HTML
  • Including and requiring files
  • Modifying headers
  • Page redirection
  • Output buffering

Working with Forms and Form Data

  • Building forms
  • Detecting form submissions
  • Single page form processing
  • Validating form values
  • Problems with validation logic
  • Displaying validation errors
  • Custom validation functions
  • Single page form with validations

Working with Cookies and Sessions

  • Working with cookies
  • Setting cookie values
  • Reading cookies values
  • Unsettling cookies values



MySQL Basics

  • MySQL introduction
  • Creating a database
  • Creating a database table
  • CRUD in MySQL
  • Populating a MySQL database
  • Relational database tables
  • Populating the relational table

Using PHP to Access MySQL

  • Database APIs in PHP
  • Connecting to MySQL with PHP
  • Retrieving data from MySQL
  • Working with retrieved data
  • Creating records with PHP
  • Updating and deleting records with PHP
  • SQL injection
  • Escaping strings for MySQL
  • Introducing prepared statements

Building a Content Management System (CMS)

  • Blueprinting the application
  • Building the CMS database
  • Establishing your work area
  • Creating and styling the first page
  • Making page assets reusable
  • Connecting the application to database

Using site navigation to Choose Content

  • Adding pages to the navigation subjects
  • Refactoring the navigation
  • Selecting pages from the navigation
  • Highlighting the current page
  • Moving the navigation to a function

Application CRUD

  • Finding a subject in the database
  • Refactoring the page selection
  • Creating a new subject form
  • Processing form values and adding subjects
  • Passing data in the session
  • Validating form values
  • Creating an edit subject form
  • Using single-page submission
  • Deleting a subject
  • Cleaning up
  • Assignment: Pages CRUD
  • Assignment results: Pages CRUD

Buliding the Public Area

  • The public appearance
  • Using a context for conditional code
  • Adding a default behaviour
  • The public content area
  • Protecting page visibility

Regulating Page Access

  • User authentication overview
  • Admin CRUD
  • Encrypting passwords
  • Salting passwords
  • Adding password encryption to CMS
  • New PHP password functions
  • Creating login system
  • Checking for authorization
  • Creating a logout page


Introduction to jQuery

  • Setting up the development environment
  • What is jQuery?
  • Your first jQuery enabled page
  • Selectors filters
  • Creating and modifying page content
  • Handling events
  • Animating page content
  • Working with AJAX

Working with Page Content

  • Overview of selectors and filters
  • Basic selectors
  • Basic filters
  • Advanced selectors
  • Attribute filters
  • Advanced filters
  • Traversing documents with jQuery
  • jQuery statement chaining
  • Programming challenge
  • Solution

Manipulating Page Content

  • Creating content
  • Inserting page content
  • Altering page content
  • Manipulating attributes
  • Working with CSS
  • Embedding custom data
  • Programming challenge
  • Solution

jQuery Events

  • jQuery event handling features
  • Binding and unbinding events
  • Event helper features
  • Using the jQuery event object
  • Programming challenge
  • Solution

Animations and Effects

  • Introduction to jQuery animations
  • Hiding and showing elements
  • Fading elements
  • Sliding elements
  • Custom animations

AJAX Operations

  • jQuery and AJAX
  • Convenience functions
  • Working with different data types
  • Using global AJAX handlers
  • Programming challenge
  • Solution


Introduction to Ajax

  • What is Ajax?
  • Requests
  • Responses
  • States and events
  • Load remote text
  • Load remote JSON
  • Using jQuery

PHP Server

  • Detect Ajax requests
  • Respond with HTML partials
  • Respond with JSON data
  • Update page on change

Ajax Button

  • Create a favorite button
  • Send button Ajax request
  • Process button Ajax request
  • Handle button Ajax response
  • Mark favorites on page load
  • Create an un favorite button

Ajax Form Submission

  • Create the form
  • Gather form data
  • Handles form errors
  • Add a loading spinner
  • Disable form button
  • Allow fallback to HTML
  • Prevent default

Infinite Scrolling

  • Create a page of items
  • Process a load request
  • Append HTML results
  • Use a data attribute
  • Trigger Ajax on scroll
  • Prevent multiple requests

Search Autosuggest

  • Create a text input
  • Style suggestions
  • Send an autosuggest Ajax request
  • Calculate results
  • Format suggestions with JSON


PHP Larvel

Laravel is a popular, open-source web application development framework that is written in the PHP programming language. It makes building websites and web applications easier by providing web developers with pre-written application code and classes you can use in your own app.

This means you can start developing a web app right away using Laravel’s built-in features instead of writing all the code from scratch. Laravel comes with a complete authentication system that you only have to configure for your own application.

It has an Object Relational Mapping (ORM) library called Eloquent that allows developers to interact with types of relational databases using only PHP.

Eloquent will generate the SQL to query a database for you in most cases. Laravel also uses Artisan, which has built-in commands you can use to generate a lot of the application code automatically.

What are the strengths of Laravel?


There are many reasons Laravel became the most popular PHP web development framework. It comes with built-in authentication and access control and will even generate the registration, login, and password reset pages for you with a single command.

The Laravel framework also uses the Model, View, and Controller (MVC) pattern with which many developers are already familiar. It comes with email libraries that simplify email integration (every developer knows that can be complex), and the framework has built-in caching capabilities, which can increase the performance of a web application.

Another strength of this application is its exception handling, which hides errors from end-users but provides developers with advanced error logs. It is designed to be secure; it has built-in CRSF form protection and encrypts the passwords of users by default. Other features of Laravel include simple database integration and simple route creation.

What should I learn before I learn Laravel?

Laravel makes PHP web development easier, but there are a few things it helps to know before you learn Laravel. The most obvious one is knowledge of the PHP programming language.

Start with the basics, but also learn how to use object-oriented programming in PHP. You should know how objects, classes, properties, methods, and traits work in PHP to make the most of Laravel. You should also know how to run commands using the command line to take advantage of the commands that make Laravel development easy.

Since Laravel uses Composer to manage the PHP libraries installed in your application, you should have a basic knowledge of this PHP package management system. To create the templates that Laravel uses, you need to know HTML. And while Laravel’s ORM Eloquent will take care of most database queries for you, a knowledge of SQL will be handy when writing.


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