


February 13, 2018

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Today we explain  5 Tracks for Most viewed youtube video. On YouTube they are also famous because of their videos. The more you get likes and subscribers the more you’ll be popular on social media. Here I’ll present you how to get more views on your YouTube videos youtube tricks

1 Accurately Name your Video File

You should use specific keywords or other terms that people type into YouTube search. This is a good place for keywords so in 5 Tracks for Most viewed youtube video keyword is one of them. If you want more people to find your video under the search term like “Loss weight by taking big amount of water” then that should be the name of your video. This will help your video be found under the word water” and term “Loss weight by taking big amount of Water” . Make sure that you include all your keywords in the video file.

2 An Appealing Title Give to Your Video

Your title should be short, to the point and engaging. Name your video “Mac and Cheese Disaster” if your video is about your kid spilling macaroni and cheese everywhere. It should attract viewers without giving too much away.

  • A very effective technique I have if you want to boost views is to write a little that makes people want to click on it, is called ClickBait. For example “What this pet does next will surprise you?” or you will not believe the weird thing this pet can do.
  • Use your keywords in your video title that makes people want to click on it. Google and YouTube use to decide what your video is about because this is one of the main bits of information.
  • Use username in the title if your video is about another YouTuber. By doing this your video will show up more in their related videos section.
3 Now Describe Your Video thoroughly

If you want to increase your views never ignore this step, you should take it seriously. Write an interesting and precise description taking 2-3 paragraphs. Describe the video as accurately as possible in your given space. Use to the point words and gain the viewers attention. Use keywords and search terms for higher chance of your video being found it is a great opportunity for you.

4 As Soon as Possible Share your Video

Share the video as earlier. The more likely it will be to be a YouTube sensation.  If you share it late it a barely gets any views, the YouTube Community will forget it. Don’t waste your time, time is money. Think about your audience. Release your video right before then evenings and weekends.

5 Email your Video to your Friends, Coworkers and Family

Create a list of emails consisting of people who you know you well. Send them the link and encourage them to watch the videos. You can even add “I will wait for you to hear what you think!”  Feel them their importance that you really expect them to watch your videos.

Send it out many people as you can.

  • If you have persuasive email and intriguing subject, there is a good chance anyone will took your video without even knowing you very well,

Content Written: Anbreen Inayat

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